Hosted buyer program

Published on by Bianca Dutertre - updated on

A selection of the greatest buyers
from the major wine markets!

As part of its International Hosted Buyer program, conducted in close collaboration with WWM Global business meetings renowned for their recruitment methodology, Wine Paris selects and invites the largest wine buyers from all the major international wine distribution and consumption markets.

Importers and distributors are thus selected and qualified on a certain number of criteria (purchasing capacity, identification of the wines sought, distribution channels, reputation on its market, feedback from its suppliers, etc.) in order to guarantee a perfect match with the richness and diversity of Wine Paris' offer and an optimized business at the trade fair. Their stay is fully taken care of and each buyer will benefit from an exceptional and tailor-made welcome with access to all the privileges of the "VIP Buyer" badge, the organisation of dedicated visit routes and an international team dedicated to the trade fair.

Do you have potential buyers in these target countries that you would like to benefit from this program? Contact us for more information!  

Each file will be submitted for validation by the organizing team. The number of places is limited by region.

Paris, wine capital of the world!

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